Are you hosting for Easter or Passover? Refresh Your Walls in a Hurry.

Six simple ways to refresh your walls

Photo by Jonny Caspari on Unsplash

Stand back and take a good look at the artwork on your gallery wall. Are any of the pictures askew? If you straighten them and they don’t stay put, take a look at the back of the frame. You should have bumpers on the bottom corners of your frames. Bumpers are small, self-adhesive pads that are either felt or clear silicone that cushion the frame on the wall, and that goes a long way towards keeping the frame from shifting position. We have them here in the store and are happy to supply you with a few free of charge.

is further attention required?

Take a closer look. Maybe your framing needs a little cleaning. Usually, all your artwork needs is a simple dusting. We recommend using a feather duster or similar and just lightly dusting the frame and the glass.

Does the glass still need more attention? Are their fingerprints or marks that won’t come off with a simple dusting?

The next step is to use a microfiber cloth and lightly buff the glass. If more attention is needed we recommend cleaning the glass with a glass cleaner that does NOT contain ammonia.  And this is most important …. use a small amount of cleaner and ALWAYS spray the cloth.  NEVER spray the glass;  the cleaner could run down the glass and collect at the bottom and seep up under the glass, ruining the mat and/or artwork under the glass.

how can we help?

  • Often simply changing a mat will give new life to your artwork. Especially if your mat colors no longer blend with your decor, or if you find that the mat is stained or damaged.

  • Maybe you still love your frames but no longer like the artwork. Why not consider simply changing out the art. Replacing that somber landscape with a spring floral will give your wall ( and you!) a nice lift. We can change out the photo for you for less than $35 for a 16 x 20 size frame and have it ready for you for your holiday celebration.