"Courage is fear holding on a minute longer."

Each Veteran’s Day, we take time to honor those who have served our country. I was looking for a quote to use as a title for this post and came across this one by General George S. Patton. I paused and read it several times because the words resonated with me. Courage is something that is so revered but, really, where does courage come from? I think that these words speak volumes, and I wonder about what our veterans were feeling in those moments that were pivotal in their lives.

We have framed many military items over the years and as we work, we can’t help but think about the person who earned those honors. With each one, we feel the responsibility to bring the components together in a way that honors the veteran and helps to preserve their legacy.



When we planned this frame we arranged the components on a forest green mat with a “V” groove cut into the mat. The “V” groove visually encloses the items while providing “breathing” space around them. The frame is deep enough to accommodate the medals, yet relatively narrow on the face. It’s color and medium grain give it a timeless look that will work in any setting . Conservation Clear glass provides 99% UV protection.

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This is part of a collection of military memorabilia including medals, certificates, and photos that had been carefully saved by our customer’s father since his service in WWII. We designed the framing to incorporate all of the awards and a favorite photo of the veteran from that era. It was important to our customer to include the maps showing the battles where his father earned his Purple Heart and Bronze Star but the maps were too big to work comfortably with the other components. Our solution was to scan them and print smaller versions that could then be incorporated into the design.

Evan surrounded each honor with a double mat of deep blue and a bronze-gold inner mat. The frame is a very dark “aged” brown with a single gold line. Conservation Clear glass ensures 99% UV protection.