We teamed up with Charter Oak Scanning a while ago and, wow, I discovered just about everyone has a collection of VHS tapes, 8mm tapes, slides, and boxes of unorganized photos gathering dust in a closet. Over the years, people have come in with bags and boxes of memories to digitize so that they can enjoy seeing them again and also so that they can share them with family and friends.
May is National Photo Month, and what better way to celebrate than with an evening of inspiration and tips on digitizing and organizing all of those boxes of memories?
We are excited to welcome Robert Webb, owner of Charter Oak Scanning, and Elke Bellet, Professional Photo Organizer, to our store on May 9th from 7:00 to 9:00.
Call 401-284-3700 or email jan@finishingtouchesri.com to reserve your spot.
They will tell us what’s involved in digitizing outdated media with a “show and tell” including VHS tapes, 8mm and 16mm film, audio tapes, and the like. All of the things we can’t bear to part with, but can no longer view in their current state.
Elke will draw on her years of experience organizing printed photographs and break down what may seem like a daunting task, and make it manageable. She has a specific method of organization that she recommends and will describe the process for us.
What about that photo that is damaged, but you save it anyway because it’s the only copy that you have? That can be digitally repaired and printed.
Whether you frame your memories, create a slideshow, or create a lovely book, you’ll come away from this event with lots of ideas and inspiration for preserving your precious family memories.
This will be a free event, but space is limited, so please let us know if you are able to attend.
Call 401-284-3700 or email jan@finishingtouchesri.com to reserve your spot.